About the Club

Founded on 29 July, 2023

At SWFL Sharks Rugby our mission is to use the sport of rugby as a catalyst for building a strong and inclusive community. We are committed to providing accessible and transformative rugby opportunities for children from diverse backgrounds, empowering them to develop essential life skills, build meaningful connections, and become positive contributors to society.

Key Elements of Our Mission

  • Fostering Inclusivity: We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment where children of all abilities and socio-economic backgrounds feel valued and included. We believe that rugby has the power to unite individuals from diverse communities and foster a sense of belonging within our organization and the broader community.
  • Developing Character and Leadership: Through rugby, we aim to instill vital values such as teamwork, humbleness, resilience, respect, integrity, and leadership in our young athletes. We believe that these attributes not only enhance their performance on the rugby field but also shape them into responsible, compassionate, and successful individuals off the field.
  • Promoting Physical and Mental Well-being: We prioritize the holistic development of our players, focusing not only on their physical fitness but also their mental and emotional well-being. By engaging in regular rugby training, matches, and fitness activities, children develop healthy habits, strengthen their self-confidence, and learn effective strategies for managing stress and adversity.
  • Building Lasting Relationships: Rugby provides a unique opportunity to build lifelong friendships and connections. We emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and camaraderie, fostering a supportive community where players support and uplift one another both on and off the field. Through social events, team outings, and shared experiences, we create enduring bonds between our athletes, their families, and the community.
  • Engaging the Community: At the heart of our mission is community engagement. We actively collaborate with local schools, businesses, and other organizations to create meaningful partnerships that amplify the impact of our work. By organizing community events, volunteering, and promoting rugby as a positive force for change, we strive to further strengthen community bonds and create a lasting and positive legacy.
    Through our commitment to utilizing rugby as a means to build community, we aim to empower the next generation of young athletes to become resilient, compassionate, and engaged individuals who positively contribute to a more inclusive and connected society.

Through our commitment to utilizing rugby as a means to build community, we aim to empower the next generation of young athletes to become resilient, compassionate, and engaged individuals who positively contribute to a more inclusive and connected society.

Join us as we harness the spirit of rugby to inspire and transform lives while building a stronger, more united community for all.

Common Questions

General Questions

1Why should kids play rugby
Kids should play rugby for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, rugby is an excellent way for kids to develop their physical fitness. It involves running, passing, tackling, and strategic thinking, which all contribute to improved cardiovascular endurance, strength, agility, and coordination. The sport promotes a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. Secondly, rugby teaches important life skills such as teamwork, discipline, resilience, and respect. Players learn to work together towards a common goal, communicate effectively, and develop a sense of responsibility towards the team. The sport also instills values of fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for opponents and officials. Thirdly, rugby offers a sense of camaraderie and belonging. Players form strong bonds with their teammates, creating a supportive community environment. The inclusive nature of rugby allows kids of all shapes, sizes, and athletic abilities to participate and contribute to the team’s success. Lastly, rugby builds character and self-confidence. It pushes kids beyond their limits, helping them overcome obstacles and develop resilience. By facing challenges and achieving personal growth through rugby, kids gain a strong sense of accomplishment and confidence in their abilities. Overall, playing rugby provides a holistic experience that nurtures physical, mental, and social development, preparing kids for success both on and off the field.
2What to bring?
For a non-contact youth rugby clinic, safety and enjoyment are crucial. Here’s what your child will likely need:
  1. Kit/Uniform: Lightweight, flexible, and comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor sports. This could include a training shirt, shorts, and socks. Clothes should be weather appropriate, considering it may be hot, cold or wet.
  2. Footwear: Rugged and comfortable sports shoes (not necessarily rugby boots) appropriate for the playing surface. For a grass field, cleats could be helpful, but they’re not usually necessary for non-contact clinics.
  3. Water Bottle: Hydration is extremely important in any sport, so a reusable water bottle should be brought along.
  4. Sunscreen and Hat: Depending on the weather, these could be vital for sun protection.
  5. Mouth Guard: Even though it’s non-contact, using a mouth guard can often be a good habit to develop from an early stage.
  6. Healthy Snacks: Optional, but these could help with maintaining energy levels, especially during longer sessions.
  7. Positive Attitude: The child must come with a positive, respectful attitude, ready to listen, learn, and enjoy the game.
Please remember to check with your local club as rules and guidelines can vary, and some equipment might be provided on-site.

Rugby Related Questions

1Is rugby tackling safe?
Rugby tackling techniques are often acknowledged as being much safer than those in some other full-contact sports, for several reasons:
  1. Techniques and Training: Proper rugby tackling techniques are taught from an early age to rugby players. Coaches emphasize on the correct way to approach, bind and bring down the opponent safely, reducing the risk of harm to both players. The focus here is to use the shoulder and the arm to wrap around the opponent’s legs or waist, not leading with the head or neck.
  2. Player Responsibility: Rugby instills a responsibility in players to ensure the safety of not just themselves but also the opponent they are tackling. The ethos of self-discipline and respect for others forms the bedrock of rugby’s safety strategy.
  3. Safety in Games: In a game situation, there are strict rules about tackling, such as players can only be tackled if they are in possession of the ball. There are also no high tackles allowed (above the shoulder), tacklers have to use their arms, and a tackled player has to be released as soon as they’re down. Any infraction results in penalties and can result in suspensions, further encouraging safe play.
  4. Conditioning and Preparation: Rugby players undergo comprehensive physical training and preparation, including strength, flexibility, and agility work. This conditioning helps to withstand tackles and subsequently reduces the chance of injuries.
  5. Protective Equipment: Although rugby doesn’t use extensive protective pads, mouth guards are used widely and help prevent dental and facial injuries. Also, players can wear light padding on the shoulders, headgear or “scrum caps” to protect ears and head from cuts and bruises.
While rugby is a physical sport and injuries can occur, the nature of the sport’s tackling techniques and its laws work to lower the risk as much as possible.